Protect Our Seniors
Conner’s plan to protect Arkansas’s seniors
- Protect Social Security and Medicare from privatization so that seniors’ hard-earned benefits aren’t gambled on Wall Street.
- Ensure Social Security funds are only used for Social Security and not to pay for other cash-strapped government programs.
- Oppose any and all efforts to raise the retirement age or cut benefits for current beneficiaries.
- Pass paid family and medical leave so that working Americans can take care of sick relatives.
- Recalculate the formula that determines cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for Social Security recipients because as inflation and prices go up, so should their COLA.
- Fight to lower the costs of prescription drugs and expand home health care opportunities.
- Ensure seniors have more choices in deciding doctors, medical providers and prescription brands.
We must protect our nation’s seniors who, after a lifetime of hard work, deserve the respect and dignity they have earned. Conner firmly believes seniors should have a choice in how they retire and how they get their health care.
In particular, Conner will fight to preserve Social Security and Medicare and will fight any and all attempts to privatize these important promises to our seniors. These are not entitlement programs – they are fulfilling a covenant made and benefits earned after a lifetime of hard work.
Conner will also continue to tackle the rising costs of prescription drugs in America. Too many times, seniors must choose between food and the prescription drugs they so desperately need. That is not the America we want. No senior should ever be forced to hungry or go sick.