Clean Up Politics
Money is the root cause of why our political system is broken and why Americans are so frustrated. We must bring more transparency to the political process, and return power to the American people. There is too much money in politics today. As our next Senator, Conner will work tirelessly to restore openness and integrity to our government.
Conner’s Plan: Restore Integrity and Trust in Politics
- Enact comprehensive campaign finance reform.
- Prioritize transparency, integrity and accountability.
- Pass a constitutional amendment overturning the disastrous Supreme Court decision Citizens United.
- Pass the DISCLOSE Act, which would:
- Prohibit foreign influence in federal elections.
- Prohibit government contractors from spending money in elections.
- Require all groups spending $10,000+ in politics to disclose their donors.
- Eliminate loopholes that conceal money.
- Require disclosure of every donor and every dollar.
- Crack down on those who abuse campaign finance rules.
- Sever the corrupt connection between money and politics.