Invest in Agriculture
Conner grew up in Augusta and Lonoke in East Arkansas working on the farm and at his family’s farm equipment dealership, Eldridge Supply Company. Conner has also worked in Arkansas’s timber industry, and his wife Mary Elizabeth sits on the Board of Commissioners of the Arkansas Forestry Commission. Conner knows that Agriculture is the bedrock of the Arkansas way of life and that we have to do everything we can to help our farms and farming communities prosper.
Conner’s Plan: Stand Up for Arkansas Agriculture and Fight for Farmers
- Recognize our farmers for feeding the world
- Cut the red tape and bureaucracy to make USDA work for farmers.
- Fight and repeal senseless, unnecessary or overly-burdensome rules and regulations that hurt farmers and ranchers.
- Fight for fairer trade deals that open up new markets to Arkansas commodities, such as rice, beef and poultry.
- Support Trade of Arkansas commodities with Cuba
- Oppose the TPP, which will hurt Arkansas rice and undermine some of our largest rice markets
- Protect hard-working farmers affected by harsh, uncontrollable conditions so that we incentivize sustained cultivation and ensure a safe food supply